Today, September 14, 2010, Melissa Haley will be moved into her Dorm for her start in College life at Drexel University to major in a Degree in Fashion Design. She has won several awards this year including $1000 for her Art and Scholastic Achievements. Melissa has excelled in music, Art and in her academics and graduated in he top 3% of her class at Girls High. She is on a full four year full scholarship after graduating High School with High Honors. We are very proud of her to say the least.

Photos above are recent photos of Melissa  for her senior prom with family and friends.
You can connect with Melissa on her FaceBook page id Mellister Ciao here:

Respectfully Submitted by Devin and Jaionne Haley of Philadelphia, PA.

Devin is the Administrator and Web Designer of the WLH Family Newsletter.