**Xavior C. Tadlock-Harrell- Promoted to the 10th grade at Delcastle High School, Newport, DE. Congratulations to Xavior for being accepted in St. Elizabeth High School, Wilmington, DE.

**Kyrie M. Tadlock-Jackson- Congratulations to Kyrie for completing her second year at Neuman University, Aston, PA. Kyrie will return to Neuman in September, entering her third year as a Criminal Justice major. Parent of Xavior and Kyrie is Stephanie Tadlock.

**Eric M. Tadlock, Jr. – “It’s a BOY”, born on 1/15/2011!!! Congratulations to Eric & Denise on the arrival of Ian. Baby Ian is the new baby brother to Eric M. Tadlock, III age 7 and Emery, age 4.

**Kyle Tadlock – Congratulations to Kyle for being accepted into the School of the Future, Philadelphia, PA going to the 7th grade.

**Richard Tadlock- Congratulations to Richard for being promoted to the 12th grade at Leeds Military Academy in Philadelphia, PA. Proud parent of Eric, Kyle and Richard is Eric M. Tadlock, Sr.

**Cierra Tadlock – Congratulations go out to Cierra for being promoted to the 11th grade at Cheltenham High School. Her proud father is Andre Tadlock.

**Elisha Tadlock, – “It’s a BOY” born on 11/26/2010!!! Congratulations to Elisha on the arrival of his first child, Elisha Tadlock, Jr.

**Doloris Tadlock of Newark, DE is the proud mother and grandmother of all of the children above.



Respectfully Submitted by Doloris Herbert Tadlock of  the Philadelphia Chapter of the Wilson, Lake, Herbert Family Reunion Circle


Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.”