Corvetta and Sophia

Corvetta and Sophia

Latanya, Khloe, Lakeisha & Niy-lah

Latanya, Khloe, Lakeisha & Niy-lah


Niy-Lah is a Cheer Leader with the Dynasty Spirit Elite  All Star Cheer Leading Group.   They were National League Cheer Leading Champions this year!  Her mom, Lakeisha, is a Cheer Leading Coach with the Oak Lane Cheerleaders.  Her group won the National Championship last year.

  • Lakeisha, Khloe, Lantanya, Latoya and Tatiana
  •   Lakeisha, Khloe, Latanya, Latoya and Tatiana

                                                                                                          Respectfully Submitted by Corvetta H. Hollingsworth of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Wilson Lake Herbert Family Reunion Circle