


Morgan White (great-great granddaughter of George Lake) recently turned 4 and celebrated her birthday at Disney World.
She will be attending K4 in the fall and has started working on reading with her mom, Brandi White (great-granddaughter) of George Lake.



Brandi’s son, Brendan White, (great-great grandson of George Lake) will be turning 2 in November. He loves singing, counting, and playing with his dog and sister.


 Big Sister

Little Brother . . .

They are such a special pair

They laugh and play, have fun all day

With energy to spare

Oftentimes they disagree

But before the daylight ends

They are sitting side by side

The very best of friends

So we will hang these pictures

On the wall for all to see

A big sister, a little brother

Who are special as can be

~~~Author unknown

 Respectfully Submitted by Brandi White of Washington, DC Chapter of the WLH Family Reunion Circle


