Archive for category Our Family History







Respectfully Submitted by Gloria Leaks Gaymon of Philadelphia, Editor of Newberry Roots Newsletter













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Respectfully Submitted by Mary Herbert of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Wilson Lake Herbert Family Reunion Circle









Newsletter PURPOSE can be found above under heading ‘About Us’



WLH Newsletter Editorial
Greetings Family! We thank God for keeping us and for all the Blessings he has bestowed upon us. We are grateful to be able to join together again this Labor Day Weekend for our 47th Annual Wilson Lake Herbert Family Reunion sponsored by our Newberry, SC Chapter. Over the past year there have been many good things that occurred in our lives that we are glad to remember. However, the News that we frequently see in the media contains a lot of negative unbalanced reporting of events that promote negative thoughts in our minds which can cause anxiety in us. We would like to thank our family for their submissions to our Family Newsletter which is devoted to our family history and relevant history. We’re looking forward to receiving more of your good news anytime during the year so we can share it to counteract some of what we see on the evening news. God loves us all and we must remember to share our love with each other as a people if there are positive changes to be made in our lives-reverse the violence that goes on in our communities.  If we don’t love one another, who will?

Some of the events in the News that occurred over the past year since our last Reunion include:

*9/16/2014- The increase in shootings and killings of unarmed black men by police has caused an upheaval and rioting in the streets of Baltimore, Ferguson and protests in other cities around the country. Organizations such as “Black Lives Matter” sprang up as a result of this and are now demanding answers from potential presidential candidates. Other organizations are making their voices heard. Dash cam videos on Police cars supports that there is excessive force being used by the police. Changes are being made to correct these problems, however, with investigation and prosecution by Federal and State Attorney Generals, and with the implementation of special training and requirements in some cities that police begin wearing body cameras.

*11/14/2014- Announcement was made by the Roman Catholic Church that Pope Francis of the Vatican plans to visit the US for his first visit as pontiff. He will visit Philadelphia, PA for the triennial World Meeting of Families on 9/25 to 9/27/2015. The theme for this spiritual gathering is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” Millions of people are expected to be in attendance. Prior to his visit to Philadelphia, the Pope will go to Washington, DC on 9/22, he will meet with President Obama the next morning; say Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; then speak at a special joint session of Congress. He will arrive at JFK Airport in New York on 9/24 and attend evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The next day, he will address the UN General Assembly; host an interfaith service at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum; visit a school in East Harlem and celebrate Mass at Madison Square Garden before going on to Philadelphia, PA.

*12/17/14- It was announced that the United States is taking steps to restore full diplomacy with Cuba. Excerpt from announcement by President Obama that the United States is changing its relationship with the people of Cuba- We will end the embargo against Cuba. ”In the most significant changes in our policy in more than fifty years, we will end an outdated approach that, for decades, has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Through these changes, we intend to create more opportunities for the American and Cuban people, and begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas. There’s a complicated history between the United States and Cuba. I was born in 1961 –- just over two years after Fidel Castro took power in Cuba, and just a few months after the Bay of Pigs invasion, which tried to overthrow his regime. Over the next several decades, the relationship between our countries played out against the backdrop of the Cold War, and America’s steadfast opposition to communism. We are separated by just over 90 miles. But year after year, an ideological and economic barrier hardened between our two countries.” . . . 8/14/2015 The United States raised its flag at the US Embassy in Cuba for the first time in 54 years.

*4/2015- It was announced by Minister Louis Farrakhan that “Justice or Else” Million Man March, MMM 20th Anniversary will be commemorated on 10/16/2015 in Washington, DC. It has special meaning and significance for Black America and all who continue to struggle for freedom, justice and equality. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., stated “the March 50 years ago was the largest single gathering of Black Americans in the history of America with no incidences of drunkenness, no drugs, no physical fights, acts of self-destruction and degradation at any point during that day. There were many documented changes after our coming together 20 years ago. Our future is in our own capable hands if we would all work together more effectively.”

*4/23/2015- The US Attorney General for the Eastern District, New York, Loretta E. Lynch was confirmed by the Senate with a 56-43 vote as the United States Attorney General after one of the nation’s most protracted cabinet-level confirmation delays. She is the first African-American woman to hold the position. She succeeded former US Attorney General, Eric Holder

*6/17/2015- Mass shooting at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC- During a Prayer Meeting at the historic church, nine African Americans were shot in a hate crime by a white man who sat down with the group. Following this incident there were thousands of people who demonstrated in many cities around the United States and other countries which led to a national call for the removal of the Confederate Flag- which was idealized by the mad gunman, from the state capitol of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. After protests of the symbol of hate spread nationwide, Gov. of SC, Nikki Haley called for the removal of the flag on 6/22/2015. The rebel flag, a symbol of racism and white supremacy and of southern pride by some, was taken down on 7/10/2015. The flag had flown on the state grounds of South Carolina for more than 50 years since the height of the Civil Rights movement. The innocent victims killed in the brutal shootings were: Rev. Clementa Pinckney, 41, Pastor of Emmanuel AME Church and State Senator; Rev. Sharona Singleton, 45, ministerial staff; members Myra Thompson, 59,; Tywaza Sanders, 26, a recent college graduate; Ethel Lee Lancy, 70, a church Sexton; Cynthia Hurd, 54; Rev. Daniel L. Simmons, Sr., 74, a retired pastor; Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor, 49 and Susie Jackson, 87, a church choir member and active church Senior Citizens Group member. President Obama delivered the Eulogy on 6/26/2015 for slain Pastor Rev. Clementa Pinckney at TD Arena in Charleston, SC.

*6/24/2015- The Supreme Court upheld nationwide tax subsidies underpinning President Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul, rejecting a major challenge to the landmark law in a ruling that preserves health insurance for millions of Americans. It’s a win for the Obama Administration and for millions of Americans. The Healthcare Bill – Obama Care, Affordable Care Act, was initially signed into law by our President on 3/23/2010.

*6/26/2015- Same sex marriage couples won the right to marry nationwide by a divided Supreme Court vote (5/4). This put an end to the 14 states that still banned same sex marriage.

*7/14/2015- Iran Agreement. President Obama announced a historic agreement, after months of negotiations between the United Nations, Iran and 4 to 6 world powers that Iran would halt their nuclear program in exchange for the relief of crippling economic sanctions levied by the US and the United Nations against Iran. There was opposition to the Iran deal by the GOP before they even read the agreement. President Obama believes that was due to political reasons, not merit.

*7/31/2015- the World Health Organization announced “an extremely promising development” in the search for an effective vaccine for Ebola disease. While the vaccine up to now shows 100% efficacy in individuals, more conclusive evidence is needed on its capacity to protect populations through what is called herd immunity. The Ebola Crisis Virus epidemic in west Africa reached crisis proportions last year and killed more than 7,500 people in Africa (mostly from three countries in west Africa) over the past 2 years. On 9/30/2014, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared its first case of Ebola virus disease. The CDC disclosed that Thomas Eric Duncan became infected in Liberia and traveled to Texas on 9/20. On 9/26 he fell ill and sought medical treatment but was sent home with antibiotics. Duncan returned to the hospital by ambulance on 9/28 and was placed in isolation and tested for Ebola and later died. Two additional cases that stemmed from Thomas Duncan’s infection were treated and one other case was treated in the U.S. at the time. These incidents set off panic and doubts that the health system was ready to care for an outbreak in the U.S.

*8/4/2015- A federal appeals court found that Texas’ strict voter identification law violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, in a victory for civil rights groups who had challenged the law. Voter fraud was their reasons for trying to enforce strict voter ID laws. The Voting Rights Act has continued to be under attack. The Supreme Court gutted a key provision of the 1965 voting rights act 2 years ago, 2013. Voting Rights and election law changes are being made but fought against. According to Brennan Center for Justice at NY University School of Law, since the 2010 election, 21 states have new laws making it harder to vote—ranging from photo ID requirements to early voting cutbacks to registration. Fifteen states will have them in place for the 1st time in a presidential election next year, 2016. Those states are: Alabama, Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. 8/6/2015- The Southern Christian Leadership Council –SCLC- which was co-founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King held a call to action rally at the Monument for Dr. King in Washington, DC to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act which was signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson, former president of the US. On 9/16/2015 the NAACP is calling for a relay march called “Americas Journey for Justice” in the nation’s capitol. From August 1 to September 16, America’s Journey for Justice–an historic 860-mile march from Selma, Alabama, to Washington, D.C.–will mobilize activists and advance a focused national advocacy agenda that protects the right of every American to a fair criminal justice system, un-corrupted and unfettered access to the ballot box, sustainable jobs with a living wage, and equitable public education.


Respectfully Submitted by
Mary Herbert, Editor



Disclaimer: The preceding information and commentary was referenced from news reports from TV and Radio, the Internet and Newspapers. Some of the opinions are the views of the Editor but are not necessarily the view of the WLH Family. Thank you











Mother’s Day Celebration for Thelma Lake (Washington, DC)

“She is a great teacher and gave us the best things in life:

her love, her care, and her cooking.

She has a heart of gold. Thank GOD for her!”





“My 60th birthday was a wonderful occasion. I have crossed several milestones, but life just keeps looking for more challenges. I enjoy the bliss of sixty and the fruits of my labor. Surround myself with family and friends, and tell tales of the yesteryears. I relive the magical moments of life even while looking forward to new experiences. It’s great to be sixty! ”

Respectfully Submitted by Delores Lake-Knight of the Washington, DC Chapter of the Wilson Lake Herbert Family Reunion Circle







Hey Cuz, Here is the info for the newsletter,
Photos are of Sophia my daughter and Maulana and Marley, my granddaughters. My parents, Mignon and Raymond Lake, Sr. are shown with Sophia.



–Maulana Jenkins was recognized for her alertness and awareness on being able to detect a friend was having domestic problems at home. (Maulana is only 10yrs)
–Marley Jenkins Graduated from kindergarten and will be going on to the First Grade. She is 6yrs of age.
–Sophia Watts-Jenkins received her Masters of Education Degree from Grand Canyon University on April 25, 2015.

Sophia with Grandparents Raymond Sr   Mignon Wilson

Respectfully Submitted by Raymond Wilson II, Vice President of the Washington, DC Chapter of the Wilson Lake Herbert Family Reunion Circle









My love to you and your family

pix Karen for newsletter 2015
Here is some news for the family newsletter from Willie Lake, Sr. and Helen Lake. We are the proud parents of a child who will be attending Harvard University!

Our daughter Karen Lake has been selected to participate this fall in the 2015 Harvard Kennedy School – Senior Executive Fellows program scheduled for October 18 through November 13, 2015 at the Cambridge, MA campus.

Love and kind regards,

WLH DC Chapter




Respectfully Submitted by Helen Lake, Washington, DC Chapter of the WLH Family Reunion Circle







Hello family I pray all is well. Here is some awesome news.

Mr. Marquise D. Lake, grandson of the late Benjamin H. and Lucille Lake and son of Hugh and Evette Lake married Ms. Whitney Foard, daughter of the late, Willie Foard and Bernard and Sharyl Pace on August 1, 2015 in Detroit. MI.



Newlyweds: Mrs. Whitney Foard Lake and Mrs. Marquise D. Lake




11781800_10207202849769175_1580277392005802034_nProud parents: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Evette Lake

What a Beautiful Couple and Beautiful Wedding!

Respectfully Submitted by Hugh and Evette Lake of Detroit, Michigan





1508208_1000755129954360_3395634875851438862_n (2)

I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me – Philippians 4:13

“God has always been there for me, even when I felt I was not making the right decisions in my life. I have been telling myself to hold on a little while longer for years, just putting my trust and faith in Him.”

“I have worked 36 years as a civilian for the Department of Defense with the Department of the Navy. Not saying all days were the best, storms shall pass and you come out stronger; as long as you keep God first. I was blessed to have a job, but I was given a great opportunity to retire early so I’m stepping out on faith and I officially retired July 31, 2015.”

“My daughter, Kennise Baker is the great-granddaughter of the late George Lake. She will be 21 years old August 25th and will be graduating from Radford University in the spring of 2016. As a reward for her academic success, she was awarded a $5,334.00 scholarship to help pay for her tuition. Kennise is pursuing a degree in Social Work with a minor in Health and Aging and is excited about finishing her four year degree at Radford University.”

(Submitted by Denise King (Granddaughter of George Lake)).





Harper is the great-great grandddaughter of George Lake, she will be 2 years old in September 2015. Harper is saying the alphabet and counting up to 20. Below is a photo that was entered in a contest and she won, the other is of course her singing  “Let It Go” from her favorite movie Frozen.

harper wins contest (2)harper let itgo (2)

(Submitted by Denise King (Granddaughter of George Lake)).








Morgan White (great-great granddaughter of George Lake) recently turned 4 and celebrated her birthday at Disney World.
She will be attending K4 in the fall and has started working on reading with her mom, Brandi White (great-granddaughter) of George Lake.



Brandi’s son, Brendan White, (great-great grandson of George Lake) will be turning 2 in November. He loves singing, counting, and playing with his dog and sister.


 Big Sister

Little Brother . . .

They are such a special pair

They laugh and play, have fun all day

With energy to spare

Oftentimes they disagree

But before the daylight ends

They are sitting side by side

The very best of friends

So we will hang these pictures

On the wall for all to see

A big sister, a little brother

Who are special as can be

~~~Author unknown

 Respectfully Submitted by Brandi White of Washington, DC Chapter of the WLH Family Reunion Circle


