Title: FAMILY BOWLING PARTY at Bowlerama in New Castle, DE- WLH Fam. Reunion Circle, Phila. Chapter
Location: Bowlerama at 3031 New Castle Avenue in New Castle, Delaware 19720 (302-654-0263)
Link out: Click here to visit Bowlerama Website
Description: *Bowling, Family fun and Fellowship
*Tickets are $15.00 which includes shoes, bowling for 2 hours. Pizzas and soft drinks will be served.
*We’re looking forward to having lots of fun at this event. Visit the website for additional information. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
*FOR TICKETS, CONTACT ANY CHAPTER MEMBER OR CALL 215-247-2517 as soon as possible.
Start Time: 04:00
Date: 2011-05-21
End Time: 06:00
Respectfully Submitted by Mary Herbert, Wilson, Lake, Herbert Family Reunion Circle, Philadelphia Chapter